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pseudo-element in CSS is a keyword added to a selector by that you can style a specific part of the selected element.
For example:-
selector::pseudo-element { property:value; }
::before - Creates a pseudo-element which is the first child of the selected element. ::before is inline by default
.classname::before{ content:'Hello'; }
::after - Creates a pseudo-element which is the lastchild of the selected element. ::after is inline by default
.classname::after{ content:'Hello'; }
::first-letter it applies style on the first letter of the first line.
span::first-letter{ font-size:50px; }
::first-line it applies on the first line of the block level element.
p::first-line{ color:red; }
::placeholder it applies on the input or textarea placeholder text.
input::placeholder{ color:red; font-size:20px; }